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New publication on good results with EHO-85 hydrogel compared to products commonly used in wound healing.

Olive tree (Olea europaea) leaf extract (OELE) has important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting its use in human clinical practice (1). A clinical trial and a sub-analysis of it conducted with the amorphous hydrogel EHO-85, containing OELE, for skin ulcer treatments were recently published (2-3). In a new publication, the effect of EHO-85 on healing was evaluated in comparison with treatments containing Centella asiatica, hyaluronic acid, or dexpanthenol in a rat model. 

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Publication on the antioxidant and wound-healing properties of EHO-85

The excess of free radicals in the wound environment contributes to its stagnation during the inflammatory phase, favouring hard-to-heal wounds. Oxidative stress negatively affects cells and the extracellular matrix, hindering the healing process. In this study the investigators evaluated the antioxidant and wound-healing properties of a novel multifunctional amorphous hydrogel-containing Olea europaea leaf extract (OELE) in different experimental  models

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New Publication on hydrogel EHO-85 in difficult-to-heal wounds

Chronic wounds, especially those that are hard-to-heal, constitute a serious public-health problem.

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